60 Oracle Database Administration
(DBA) Interview Questions (Technical)
1. What is an Oracle Instance?
An Oracle database server consists of an
Oracle database and an Oracle instance. Every time a database is started,
a system global area (SGA) is allocated and Oracle background processes are
started. The combination of the background processes and memory buffers is
called an Oracle instance. We can run multiple instances on the same
Oracle Database Server, where each instance connects to its database.
Oracle instance includes:
SGA - System or
Shared Global Area
Components of SGA:
- DBBC - Database Buffer Cache
- SP - Shared Pool; divided into Library Cache (LC) and Data Dictionary Cache (DDC) or Row Cache.
- RLB - Redo log Buffer
Background Process (10/11g database):
Mandatory Processes
- SMON - System Monitor
- PMON - Process Monitor
- DBWR - Database writer
- LGWR - Log Writer
- CKPT - Check point
- RECO - Recoverer
- DIAG - Diagnosability (new in 11g)
- VKTM - Virtual keeper of time (keeps "SGA Time" variable in current, new in 11g)
Optional Process
- ARCN - Archiver
- MMAN - Memory Manager - ASMM
- MMON - Memory Monitor
- MMNL - Memory Monitor Light - AWR
and few more...
TIP: For a complete overview of Database 11g Architecture
check out this poster: Database 11g Architecture Poster [2.74 MB]
List of running processes of a single instance (11g) on Linux:
[oracle@hostname ~]$ top -n 1 -U oracle -c
9181 oracle 15 0 745m 111m 109m S 6.9 7.5 1:11.15 ora_j000_DB1_SID
9163 oracle 16 0 745m 68m 65m S 5.3 4.6 0:11.95 ora_j001_DB1_SID
10420 oracle 18 0 744m 12m 11m R 3.0 0.8 0:00.09 ora_j002_DB1_SID
6773 oracle 16 0 748m 40m 34m S 0.7 2.7 0:03.16 ora_dbw0_DB1_SID
6775 oracle 16 0 759m 34m 33m S 0.7 2.4 0:10.74 ora_lgwr_DB1_SID
6767 oracle 15 0 744m 13m 11m S 0.3 0.9 0:02.17 ora_psp0_DB1_SID
6785 oracle 15 0 744m 19m 18m S 0.3 1.3 0:02.66 ora_mmnl_DB1_SID
6560 oracle 18 0 42048 9348 6788 S 0.0 0.6 0:00.86 tnslsnr LISTENER -inherit
6755 oracle 15 0 744m 16m 14m S 0.0 1.1 0:02.50 ora_pmon_DB1_SID
6757 oracle -2 0 744m 13m 11m S 0.0 0.9 0:04.31 ora_vktm_DB1_SID
6761 oracle 15 0 744m 13m 11m S 0.0 0.9 0:00.34 ora_gen0_DB1_SID
6763 oracle 18 0 744m 12m 11m S 0.0 0.9 0:00.53 ora_diag_DB1_SID
6765 oracle 15 0 744m 19m 18m S 0.0 1.3 0:00.59 ora_dbrm_DB1_SID
6769 oracle 18 0 744m 16m 14m S 0.0 1.1 0:07.11 ora_dia0_DB1_SID
6771 oracle 18 0 744m 17m 16m S 0.0 1.2 0:11.13 ora_mman_DB1_SID
6777 oracle 16 0 744m 16m 14m S 0.0 1.1 0:08.51 ora_ckpt_DB1_SID
6779 oracle 15 0 748m 87m 84m S 0.0 5.9 0:04.61 ora_smon_DB1_SID
6781 oracle 18 0 744m 18m 17m R 0.0 1.3 0:00.52 ora_reco_DB1_SID
6783 oracle 15 0 748m 56m 51m S 0.0 3.8 0:06.01 ora_mmon_DB1_SID
6787 oracle 15 0 744m 13m 11m S 0.0 0.9 0:00.35 ora_d000_DB1_SID
6789 oracle 15 0 744m 12m 11m S 0.0 0.8 0:00.31 ora_s000_DB1_SID
6852 oracle 18 0 744m 14m 13m S 0.0 1.0 0:00.40 ora_qmnc_DB1_SID
6859 oracle 15 0 744m 25m 23m S 0.0 1.7 0:00.53 ora_q000_DB1_SID
6864 oracle 18 0 744m 15m 14m S 0.0 1.0 0:00.21 ora_q001_DB1_SID
6983 oracle 15 0 748m 54m 48m S 0.0 3.7 0:05.40 ora_cjq0_DB1_SID
7141 oracle 15 0 744m 13m 12m S 0.0 0.9 0:00.26 ora_smco_DB1_SID
7722 oracle 16 0 753m 58m 55m S 0.0 4.0 0:07.64 oracleDB1_SID (LOCAL=NO)
10254 oracle 15 0 744m 14m 12m S 0.0 1.0 0:00.10 ora_w000_DB1_SID
2. What information is stored in
Control File?
Oracle Database must have at least one
control file.
It's a binary file contains some of the
following information:
- The database name and unique ID
- The timestamp of database creation
- The names and locations of associated datafiles and redo log files
- Tablespace information
- Datafile offline ranges
- Archived log information and history
- Backup set and backup piece information
- Backup datafile and redo log information
- Datafile copy information
- Log records: sequence numbers, SCN range in each log
- RMAN Catalog
- Database block corruption information
The location of the control files is specified through the control_files init param:
SYS@DB1_SID SQL>show parameter control_file;
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
control_file_record_keep_time integer 7
control_files string /u01/app/oracle/oradata/DB1_SID
/control01.ctl, /u01/app/oracl
3. When you start an Oracle DB which
file is accessed first?
Oracle first opens and reads the
initialization parameter file (init.ora)
[oracle@hostname ~]$ ls -la $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initDB1_SID.ora
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 1023 May 10 19:27 /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbs/initDB1_SID.ora
4. What is the job of SMON and PMON processes?
SMON - System
Monitor Process - Performs recovery after instance failure, monitors temporary
segments and extents; cleans temp segments, coalesces free space (mandatory
process for DB and starts by default)
PMON - Process Monitor - Recovers failed process resources. In Shared Server architecture, monitors and retarts any failed dispatcher or server proceses (mandatory process for DB and starts by default)
[oracle@hostname ~]$ ps -ef |grep -e pmon -e smon |grep -v grep
oracle 6755 1 0 12:59 ? 00:00:05 ora_pmon_DB1_SID
oracle 6779 1 0 12:59 ? 00:00:06 ora_smon_DB1_SID
5. What is Instance Recovery?
While Oracle instance fails, Oracle performs an Instance Recovery when the associated database is being re-started.
Instance recovery occurs in two steps:
Cache recovery:
Changes being made to a database are
recorded in the database buffer cache.
These changes are also recorded in online
redo log files simultaneously. When there are enough data in the database
buffer cache,they are written to data files.
If an Oracle instance fails before the data
in the database buffer cache are written to data files, Oracle uses the data
recorded in the online redo log files to recover the lost data when the
associated database is re-started.
This process is called cache recovery.
Transaction recovery:
When a transaction modifies data in a
database, the before image of the modified data is stored in an undo segment.
The data stored in the undo segment is used
to restore the original values in case a transaction is rolled back.
At the time of an instance failure, the
database may have uncommitted transactions. It is possible that changes made by
these uncommitted transactions have gotten saved in data files.
To maintain read consistency, Oracle rolls
back all uncommitted transactions when the associated database is re-started.
Oracle uses the undo data stored in undo
segments to accomplish this.
This process is called transaction recovery.
6. What is being written into the Redo Log Files?
Redo log records all changes made in
In the Oracle database, redo logs comprise
files in a proprietary format which log a history of all changes made to the
database. Each redo log file consists of redo records. A redo record, also
called a redo entry, holds a group of change-vectors, each of which
describes or represents a change made to a single block in the database.
Let's get into this topic a little bit
Log writer (LGWR) writes redo log buffer
contents Into Redo Log FIles. LGWR does this every three seconds, when the
redo log buffer is 1/3 full and immediately before the Database Writer (DBWn)
writes its changed buffers into the datafile. The redo log of a database
consists of two or more redo log files. The database requires a minimum of two
files to guarantee that one is always available for writing while the
other is being archived (if the DB is in
ARCHIVELOG mode). LGWR writes to redo log files in a circular
fashion. When the current redo log file fills, LGWR begins writing to the
next available redo log file. When the last available redo log file is
filled, LGWR returns to the first redo log file and writes to it, starting the
cycle again.
Filled redo log files are available to LGWR
for reuse depending on whether archiving is enabled.
If archiving is disabled (the database is in
NOARCHIVELOG mode), a filled redo log file is available after the changes
recorded in it have been written to the datafiles.
If archiving is enabled (the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode), a filled redo log file is available to LGWR after the changes recorded in it have been written to the datafiles and the file has been archived.
Oracle Database uses only one redo log files at a time to store redo records written from the redo log buffer. The redo log file that LGWR is actively writing to is called the current redo log file. Redo log files that are required for instance recovery are called active redo log files. Redo log files that are no longer required for instance recovery are called inactive redo log files.
If the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode it
cannot reuse or overwrite an active online log file until one of the archiver
background processes (ARCn) has archived its contents.
If archiving is disabled (DB is in
NOARCHIVELOG mode), then when the last redo log file is full, LGWR continues by
overwriting the first available active file.
A log switch is the point at which the database stops writing to one redo log file and begins writing to another. Normally, a log switch occurs when the current redo log file is completely filled and writing must continue to the next redo log file. However, you can configure log switches to occur at regular intervals, regardless of whether the current redo log file is completely filled. You can also force log switches manually.
Oracle Database assigns each redo log file a
new log sequence number every time a log switch occurs and LGWR begins writing
to it.
When the database archives redo log files,
the archived log retains its log sequence number.
7. How do you control number of Datafiles one can have in an Oracle database?
The db_files parameter is a "soft limit
" parameter that controls the maximum number of physical OS files that can
map to an Oracle instance.
The maxdatafiles parameter is a different -
"hard limit" parameter.
When issuing a "create database"
command, the value specified for maxdatafiles is stored in Oracle control files
and default value is 32.
The maximum number of database files can be
set with the init parameter db_files.
8. How many Maximum Datafiles can there be in Oracle Database?
Regardless of the setting of this paramter, maximum per database: 65533 (May be less on some operating systems)
Maximum number of datafiles per tablespace:
OS dependent = usually 1022
Limited also by size of database blocks and
by the DB_FILES initialization parameter for a particular instance
Bigfile tablespaces can contain only one
file, but that file can have up to 4G blocks.
9. What is a Tablespace
A tablespace is a logical storage unit within an Oracle database.
Tablespace is not visible in the file system
of the machine on which the database resides.
A tablespace, in turn, consists of at least
one datafile which, in turn, are physically located in the file system of the
A datafile belongs to exactly one
tablespace. Each table, index and so on that is stored in an Oracle database
belongs to a tablespace.
The tablespace builds the bridge between the
Oracle database and the filesystem in which the table's or index' data is
There are three types of tablespaces in
- Permanent tablespaces
- Undo tablespaces
- Temporary tablespaces
10. What is the purpose of Redo Log
Before Oracle changes data in a datafile it
writes these changes to the redo log.
If something happens to one of the
datafiles, a backed up datafile can be restored and the redo, that was written
since, replied, which brings the datafile to the state it had before it
became unavailable.
11. Which default Database roles are created when you create a Database?
CONNECT , RESOURCE and DBA are three default roles. The DBA_ROLES data dictionary view can be used to list all roles of a database and the authentication used for each role.
The following query lists all the roles in the database:
---------------- --------
12. What is a Checkpoint?
A checkpoint occurs when the DBWR (database
writer) process writes all modified buffers in the SGA buffer cache to the
database data files.
Data file headers are also updated with the
latest checkpoint SCN, even if the file had no changed blocks. Checkpoints
occur AFTER (not during) every redo log switch and also at intervals specified
by initialization parameters.
to observe checkpoint start and end times in the database alert log.
Checkpoints can be forced with the ALTER
SCN can refer to:
System Change Number - A number, internal to
Oracle that is incremented over time as change vectors are generated, applied,
and written to the Redo log.
System Commit Number - A number, internal to
Oracle that is incremented with each database COMMIT.
Note: System Commit Numbers and System
Change Numbers share the same internal sequence generator.
13. Which Process reads data from Datafiles?
Server Process - There is no
background process which reads data from datafile or database buffer.
Oracle creates server processes to handle
requests from connected user processes. A server process communicates with
the user process and interacts with Oracle to carry out requests from the
associated user process. For example, if a user queries some data not
already in the database buffers of the SGA, then the associated server process
reads the proper data blocks from the datafiles into the SGA.
Oracle can be configured to vary the number
of user processes for each server process.
In a dedicated server configuration, a
server process handles requests for a single user process.
A shared server configuration lets many user
processes share a small number of server processes, minimizing the number of
server processes and maximizing the use of available system resources.
14. Which Process writes data in Datafiles?
Database Writer background process DBWn (20
possible) writes dirty buffers from the buffer cache to the data files.
In other words, this process writes modified
blocks permanently to disk.
15. Can you make a Datafile auto extendible. If yes, how?
YES. A Datafile can be auto extendible.
Here's how to enable auto extend on a
SQL>alter database datafile
'/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/DBSID/EXAMPLE01.DBF' autoextend on;
Note: For tablespaces defined with multiple data files (and partitioned table files), only the "last" data file needs the autoextend option.
SQL>spool runts.sql
SQL>select 'alter database datafile '||
file_name|| ' '|| ' autoextend on;' from dba_data_files;
16. What is a Shared Pool?
The shared pool portion of the SGA contains the library cache, the dictionary cache, buffers for parallel execution messages, and control structures. The total size of the shared pool is determined by the initialization parameter SHARED_POOL_SIZE.
The default value of this parameter is 8MB
on 32-bit platforms and 64MB on 64-bit platforms.
Increasing the value of this parameter
increases the amount of memory reserved for the shared pool.
17. What is kept in the Database Buffer Cache?
The database buffer cache is the portion of
the SGA that holds copies of data blocks read from datafiles.
All user processes concurrently connected to
the instance share access to the database buffer cache.
18. How many maximum Redo Logfiles one can have in a Database?
Maximum number of logfiles is limited by value of MAXLOGFILES parameter in the CREATE DATABASE statement. Control file can be resized to allow more entries; ultimately an operating system limit. Maximum number of logfiles per group - Unlimited
Consider the parameters that can limit the
number of redo log files before setting up or altering the configuration of an
instance redo log.
The following parameters limit the number of
redo log files that you can add to a database: MAXLOGFILES & MAXLOGMEMBERS.
The MAXLOGFILES parameter used in the CREATE
DATABASE statement determines the maximum number of groups of redo log files
for each database. Group values can range from 1 to MAXLOGFILES.
When the compatibility level is set earlier
than 10.2.0, the only way to override this upper limit is to re-create the
database or its control file. Therefore, it is important to consider this
limit before creating a database.
When compatibility is set to 10.2.0 or
later, you can exceed the MAXLOGFILES limit, and the control files expand as
If MAXLOGFILES is not specified for the
CREATE DATABASE statement, then the database uses an operating system specific
default value.
The MAXLOGMEMBERS parameter used in the
CREATE DATABASE statement determines the maximum number of members for each
group. As with MAXLOGFILES, the only way to override this upper limit is to
re-create the database or control file. Therefore, it is important to
consider this limit before creating a database.
If no MAXLOGMEMBERS parameter is specified
for the CREATE DATABASE statement, then the database uses an operating system
default value.
19. What is difference between PFile and SPFile?
A PFILE is a static, text file located in
An SPFILE (Server Parameter File) is a persistent
server-side binary file that can only be modified with the "ALTER SYSTEM
SET" command.
20. What is PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET parameter?
PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET: specifies the target aggregate PGA memory available to all server processes attached to the instance.
21. Large Pool is used for what?
The large pool is an optional memory area and provides large memory allocations for:
- Session memory for the shared server and the Oracle XA interface (used where transactions interact with more than one database)
- I/O server processes, buffer area
- Oracle backup and restore operations (RMAN)
- User Global Area (UGA) for shared servers
22. What is PCT Increase setting?
PCTINCREASE refers to the
percentage by which each next extent (beginning with the third extend) will
The size of each subsequent extent is equal
to the size of the previous extent plus this percentage increase.
Preventing tablespace fragmentation
Try to set PCTINCREASE to 0 or 100. Bizarre
values for PCTINCREASE will contribute to fragmentation.
For example if you set PCTINCREASE to 1 you
will see that your extents are going to have weird and wacky sizes: 100K, 100K,
101K, 102K, etc. Such extents of bizarre size are rarely re-used in their
PCTINCREASE of 0 or 100 gives you nice round
extent sizes that can easily be reused. Eg. 100K, 100K, 200K, 400K, etc.
Locally Managed tablespaces (available from
Oracle 8i onwards) with uniform extent sizes virtually eliminates any
tablespace fragmentation.
Note that the number of extents per segment
does not cause any performance issue anymore, unless they run into
thousands and thousands where additional I/O may be required to fetch the
additional blocks where extent maps of the segment are stored.
23. What is PCTFREE and PCTUSED Setting?
PCTFREE is a block storage
parameter used to specify how much space should be left in a database block for
future updates.
For example, for PCTFREE=10, Oracle will
keep on adding new rows to a block until it is 90% full. This leaves 10% for
future updates (row expansion).
When using Oracle Advanced Compression,
Oracle will trigger block compression when the PCTFREE is reached. This
eliminates holes created by row deletions and maximizes contiguous free space
in blocks.
See the PCTFREE setting for a table:
SQL> SELECT pct_free FROM user_tables WHERE table_name = 'EMP';
PCTUSED is a block storage parameter used to specify when Oracle should consider a database block to be empty enough to be added to the freelist. Oracle will only insert new rows in blocks that is enqueued on the freelist.
For example, if PCTUSED=40, Oracle will not
add new rows to the block unless sufficient rows are deleted from the block so
that it falls below 40% empty.
24. What is Row Migration and Row Chaining?
Row Migration refers to rows that were moved to another blocks due to an update making them too large to fit into their original blocks.
Oracle will leave a forwarding pointer in
the original block so indexes will still be able to "find" the
row. Note that Oracle does not discriminate between chained and migrated
rows, even though they have different causes. A chained row is a row that
is too large to fit into a single database data block.
For example, if you use a 4KB blocksize for
your database, and you need to insert a row of 8KB into it, Oracle will use 3
blocks and store the row in pieces.
Some conditions that will cause row chaining are:
- Tables whose row size exceeds the blocksize
- Tables with long and long raw columns are prone to having chained rows
- Tables with more then 255 columns will have chained rows as Oracle break wide tables up into pieces.
Detecting row chaining:
This query will show how many chained (and migrated) rows each table has:
SQL>SELECT owner, table_name, chain_cnt
FROM dba_tables WHERE chain_cnt > 0;
To see which rows are chained:
This will put the rows into the INVALID_ROWS table which is created by the utlvalid.sql script (located in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin).
25. What is ORA-01555 - Snapshot Too Old error and how do you avoid it?
The ORA-01555 is caused by Oracle read consistency
mechanism. If you have a long running SQL that starts at 11:30 AM, Oracle
ensures that all rows are as they appeared at 11:30 AM, even if the query runs
until noon!
Oracles does this by reading the
"before image" of changed rows from the online undo segments. If
you have lots of updates, long running SQL and too small UNDO, the ORA-01555
error will appear. ORA-01555 error relates to insufficient undo storage or
a too small value for the undo_retention parameter:
ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number string with name "string" too small
Cause: Rollback records
needed by a reader for consistent read are overwritten by other writers.
Action: If in Automatic
Undo Management mode, increase the setting of UNDO_RETENTION. Otherwise, use
larger rollback segments.
You can get an ORA-01555 error with a too-small undo_retention, even with a large undo tables.
However, you can set a super-high value for
undo_retention and still get an ORA-01555 error.
The ORA-01555 snapshot too old error can be
addressed by several remedies:
- Re-schedule long-running queries when the system has less DML load
- Increasing the size of your rollback segment (undo) size
- The ORA-01555 snapshot too old also relates to your setting for automatic undo retention
- Don't fetch between commits
26. What is a Locally Managed Tablespace?
Locally Managed Tablespace is a tablespace
that record extent allocation in the tablespace header.
Each tablespace manages it's own free and
used space within a bitmap structure stored in one of the tablespace's data
Advantages of Locally Managed Tablespaces:
- Eliminates the need for recursive SQL operations against the data dictionary (UET$ and FET$ tables)
- Reduce contention on data dictionary tables (single ST enqueue)
- Locally managed tablespaces eliminate the need to periodically coalesce free space (automatically tracks adjacent free space)
- Changes to the extent bitmaps do not generate rollback information
27. Can you audit SELECT statements?
YES. But beware, you will need a storage
mechanism to hold your SQL SELECT audits, a high data volume that can exceed
the size of your whole database, everyday.
SQL SELECT auditing can be accomplished in
several ways:
- Oracle audit table command: audit SELECT table by FRED by access;
- Oracle Fined-grained Auditing
In a busy database, the volume of the SELECT
audit trail could easily exceed the size of the database every data.
Plus, all data in the audit trail must also
be audited to see who has selected data from the audit trail.
28. What does DBMS_FGA package do?
The DBMS_FGA package provides fine-grained security
functions. DBMS_FGA is a PL/SQL package used to define Fine Grain Auditing
on objects.
DBMS_FGA Package Subprograms:
- ADD_POLICY Procedure - Creates an audit policy using the supplied predicate as the audit condition
- DISABLE_POLICY Procedure - Disables an audit policy
- DROP_POLICY Procedure - Drops an audit policy
- ENABLE_POLICY Procedure - Enables an audit policy
29. What is Cost Based Optimization?
The Oracle Cost Based Optimizer (CBO) is a
SQL Query optimizer that uses data statistics to identify the query plan with
lowest cost before execution. The cost is based on the number of rows in a
table, index efficiency, etc.
All applications should be converted to use
the Cost Based Optimizer as the Rule Based Optimizer is not be supported in Oracle
10g and above releases.
30. How often you should collect statistics for a table?
Analyse if it's necessary!
- Refresh STALE statistics before the batch
processes run but only for tables involved in batch run,
- Don't do it if you don't have to.
- Oracle databse has default, scheduled job
"gather_stats_job" that analyses stats on a daily basis during the
maintenance window time.
31. How do you collect statistics for a table, schema and Database?
Using DBMS_STATS package to gather Oracle
dictionary statistics.
32. Can you make collection of Statistics for tables automatically?
YES. Oracle databse has default, scheduled job "gather_stats_job" that analyses stats on a daily basis during the maintenance window time.
There are two scheduled activities related
to the collection of Oracle "statistics":
- AWR statistics: Oracle has an automatic method to collect AWR "snapshots" of data that is used to create elapsed-time performance reports.
- Optimizer statistics: Oracle has an automatic job to collect statistics to help the optimizer make intelligent decisions about the best access method to fetch the desired rows.
This job can be disabled with this command:
exec dbms_scheduler.disable(’SYS.GATHER_STATS_JOB’);
Oracle collects optimizer statistics for SQL
via the default of autostats_target = auto.
33. On which columns you should create Indexes?
In general, you should create an index on a column in any of the following situations:
- The column is queried frequently
- A referential integrity constraint exists on the column
- A UNIQUE key integrity constraint exists on the column
The following list gives guidelines in
choosing columns to index:
- You should create indexes on columns that are used frequently in WHERE clauses
- Are used frequently to join tables
- Are used frequently in ORDER BY clauses
- On columns that have few of the same values or unique values in the table
34. What type of Indexes are available
in Oracle?
There are many index types within Oracle:
B*Tree Indexes - common
indexes in Oracle. They are similar construct to a binary tree, they provide
fast access by key, to an individual row or range of rows, normally requiring
very few reads to find the correct row.
The B*Tree index has several subtypes:
- Index Organised Tables - A table stored in a B*Tree structure
- B*Tree Cluster Indexes - They are used to index the cluster keys
- Reverse Key Indexes - The bytes in the key are reversed. This is used to stop sequential keys being on the same block like 999001, 999002, 999003 would be reversed to 100999, 200999, 300999 thus these would be located on different blocks.
- Descending Indexes - They allow data to be sorted from big to small (descending) instead of small to big (ascending).
Bitmap Indexes - With a bitmap
index , a single index entry uses a bitmap to point to many rows
simultaneously, they are used with low data that is mostly read-only. Schould
be avoided in OLTP systems.
Function Based Indexes - These are B*Tree or bitmap indexes that store the computed result of a function on a row(s) (for example sorted results)- not the column data itself.
Application Domain Indexes - These are indexes you build and store yuorself, either in Oracle or outside of Oracle
interMedia Text Indexes - This is a
specialised index built into Oracle to allow for keyword searching of large
bodies of text.
35. What is B-Tree Index?
A B-Tree index is a data structure in the
form of a tree, but it is a tree of database blocks, not rows.
Note: "B" is
not for binary; it's balanced.
36. A table is having few rows, should you create indexes on this table
Small tables do not require indexes; if a query is taking too long, then the table might have grown from small to large.
You can create an index on any column;
however, if the column is not used in any of these situations, creating an
index on the column does not increase performance and the index takes up
resources unnecessarily.
37. A Column is having many repeated values which type of index you should create on this column, if you have to?
For example, assume there is a motor vehicle
database with numerous low-cardinality columns such as car_color, car_make,
car_model, and car_year. Each column contains less than 100 distinct
values by themselves, and a b-tree index would be fairly useless in a database
of 20 million vehicles.
38. When should you rebuilt indexes?
In 90% cases - NEVER.
When the data in index is sparse (lots of
holes in index, due to deletes or updates) and your query is usually range
Also index blevel is one of the key
indicators of performance of sql queries doing Index range scans.
39. Can you built indexes online?
YES. You can create and rebuild indexes
This enables you to update base tables at
the same time you are building or rebuilding indexes on that table.
You can perform DML operations while the
index build is taking place, but DDL operations are not allowed.
Parallel execution is not supported when
creating or rebuilding an index online.
The following statements illustrate online
index build operations:
CREATE INDEX emp_name ON emp (mgr, emp1,
emp2, emp3) ONLINE;
40. Can you see Execution Plan of a statement?
YES. In many ways, for example from GUI
based tools like TOAD, Oracle SQL Developer.
Configuring AUTOTRACE, a SQL*Plus
AUTOTRACE is a facility within SQL*Plus to
show us the explain plan of the queries we've executed, and the resources they
Once the PLAN_TABLE has been installed in
the database, You can control the report by setting the AUTOTRACE system
- SET AUTOTRACE OFF - No AUTOTRACE report is generated. This is the default.
- SET AUTOTRACE ON EXPLAIN - The AUTOTRACE report shows only the optimizer execution path.
- SET AUTOTRACE ON STATISTICS - The AUTOTRACE report shows only the SQL statement execution statistics.
- SET AUTOTRACE ON - The AUTOTRACE report includes both the optimizer execution path and the SQL statement execution statistics.
- SET AUTOTRACE TRACEONLY - Like SET AUTOTRACE ON, but suppresses the printing of the user's query output, if any.
41. A table has been created with
below settings. What will be size of 4th extent?
storage (initial 200k
next 200k
minextents 2
maxextents 100
pctincrease 40)
What will be size of 4th extent?
"NEXT" Specify in bytes the size of the next extent to be allocated to the object.
Percent Increase allows your segment to grow
at an increasing rate.
The first two extents will be of a size
determined by the Initial and Next parameter (200k)
The third extent will be 1 + PCTINCREASE/100 times the second extent (1,4*200=280k).
AND The fourth extent will be 1 + PCTINCREASE/100 times the third extent (1,4*280=392k!!!), and so on...
42. What is DB Buffer Cache Advisor?
The Buffer Cache Advisor provides advice on how
to size the Database Buffer Cache to obtain optimal cache hit ratios.
Member of Performance Advisors --> Memory
Advisor pack.
43. What is STATSPACK tool?
performance diagnosis tool provided by Oracle starting from Oracle 8i and
STATSPACK is a diagnosis tool for
instance-wide performance problems; it also supports application tuning
activities by providing data which identifies high-load SQL statements.
Although AWR and ADDM (introduced in Oracle
10g) provide better statistics than STATSPACK,
users that are not licensed to use the
Enterprise Manager Diagnostic Pack should continue to use statspack.
More information about STATSPACK, can be
found in file $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/spdoc.txt.
44. Can you change SHARED_POOL_SIZE online?
YES. That's possible.
SQL>alter system set
shared_pool_size=500M scope=both;
System altered.
It's a lot quicker to bounce the instance
when changing this.
45. Can you Redefine a table Online?
Yes you can. In any database system, it is occasionally necessary to modify the logical or physical structure of a table to:
- Improve the performance of queries or DML
- Accommodate application changes
- Manage storage
Oracle Database provides a mechanism to make
table structure modifications without significantly affecting the availability
of the table.
The mechanism is called online table
When a table is redefined online, it is
accessible to both queries and DML during much of the redefinition process.
The table is locked in the exclusive mode
only during a very small window that is independent of the size of the table
and complexity of the redefinition, and that is completely transparent to
Online table redefinition requires an amount
of free space that is approximately equivalent to the space used by the table
being redefined. More space may be required if new columns are added.
You can perform online table redefinition
with the Enterprise Manager Reorganize Objects wizard or with the
46. Can you assign Priority to users?
YES. This is achievable with Oracle Resource
DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER is the packcage to
administer the Database Resource Manager.
The DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER package maintains
plans, consumer groups, and plan directives. It also provides semantics so that
you may group together changes to the plan schema.
47. You want users to change their passwords every 2 months. How do you enforce this?
Oracle password security is implemented via
Oracle "profiles" which are assigned to users.
PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME - limits the number
of days the same password can be used for authentication
First, start by creating security
"profile" in Oracle database and then alter the user to belong to the
profile group.
1) creating a profile:
create profile all_users
2) Create user and assign user to the all_users profile
SQL>create user chuck identified by
norris profile all_users;
3) To "alter profile" parameter, say; change to three months:
profile all_users set PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME = 90;
48. How do you delete duplicate rows in a table?
There is a few ways to achieve that:
- Using subquery to delete duplicate rows:
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE rowid NOT IN
(SELECT max(rowid) FROM table_name GROUP BY id);
More ways:
- Use RANK to find and remove duplicate table rows
- Use self-join to remove duplicate rows
- Use analytics to detect and remove duplicate rows
- Delete duplicate table rows that contain NULL values
49. What is Automatic Management of Segment Space setting?
Oracle9i New Feature Series: Automatic
Segment Space Management
Automatic Segment Space Management (ASSM)
introduced in Oracle9i is an easier way of managing space in a segment using
It eliminates the DBA from setting the
parameters pctused, freelists, and freelist groups.
ASSM can be specified only with the locally
managed tablespaces (LMT).
Oracle uses bitmaps to manage the free
space. Bitmaps allow Oracle to manage free space more automatically.
Here is an example:
DATAFILE '/oradata/ORA_SID/example01.dbf'
The storage parameters PCTUSED, FREELISTS and FREELIST GROUPS specified while creating a table are ignored by Oracle on a LMT ASSM tablespace. Oracle does not produce an error.
One huge benefit of having ASSM is to reduce
the “Buffer Busy Waits” you see on segments.
Using ASSM can hinder database DML
performance, and most Oracle experts will use manual freelists and freelist
50. What is the difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE statements?
The DELETE command is used to remove rows from a
table. A WHERE clause can be used to only remove some rows.
If no WHERE condition is specified, all rows
will be removed. After performing a DELETE operation you need to COMMIT or
ROLLBACK the transaction to make the change permanent or to undo it.
DELETE will cause all DELETE triggers on the
table to fire.
TRUNCATE removes all rows from a table. A WHERE clause is not permited. The operation cannot be rolled back and no triggers will be fired.
As such, TRUCATE is faster and doesn't use
as much undo space as a DELETE.
51. What is COMPRESS and CONSISTENT setting in EXPORT utility?
Simply: COMPRESS=n - Allocated space in
database for imported table will be exactly as the space required to hold the
COMPRESS=y - The INITIAL extent of the table
would be as large as the sum of all the extents allocated to the table in the
original database.
In other words:
The default, COMPRESS=y, causes Export to
flag table data for consolidation into one initial extent upon import.
If extent sizes are large (for example,
because of the PCTINCREASE parameter), the allocated space will be larger than
the space required to hold the data.
If you specify COMPRESS=n, Export uses the
current storage parameters, including the values of initial extent size and
next extent size.
If you are using locally managed tablespaces
you should always export with COMPRESS=n
Default: n. Specifies whether or not Export
uses the SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY statement to ensure that the data seen by
Export is consistent to a single point in time and does not change during the
execution of the exp command.
You should specify CONSISTENT=y when you
anticipate that other applications will be updating the target data after an
export has started.
If you use CONSISTENT=n, each table is
usually exported in a single transaction. However, if a table contains nested
tables, the outer table and each inner table are exported as separate
If a table is partitioned, each partition is
exported as a separate transaction.
Therefore, if nested tables and partitioned
tables are being updated by other applications, the data that is exported could
be inconsistent. To minimize this possibility, export those tables at a
time when updates are not being done.
52. What is the difference between Direct Path and Conventional Path loading?
A conventional path load executes SQL INSERT
statements to populate tables in an Oracle database.
A direct path load eliminates much of the
Oracle database overhead by formatting Oracle data blocks and writing the data
blocks directly to the database files.
53. Can you disable and enable Primary key?
You can use the ALTER TABLE statement to enable, disable, modify, or drop a constraint.
When the database is using a UNIQUE or
PRIMARY KEY index to enforce a constraint, and constraints associated with that
index are dropped or disabled, the index is dropped, unless you specify
While enabled foreign keys reference a
PRIMARY or UNIQUE key, you cannot disable or drop the PRIMARY or UNIQUE key
constraint or the index.
Disabling Enabled Constraints
The following statements disable integrity
constraints. The second statement specifies that the associated indexes are to
be kept.
The following statements enable novalidate disabled integrity constraints:
CONSTRAINT dname_ukey;
The following statements enable or validate disabled integrity constraints:
dname_key VALIDATE;
The following statements enable disabled integrity constraints:
KEY, ENABLE UNIQUE (dname, loc);
To disable or drop a UNIQUE key or PRIMARY KEY constraint and all dependent FOREIGN KEY constraints in a single step, use the CASCADE option of the DISABLE or DROP clauses.
For example, the following statement disables a PRIMARY KEY constraint and any FOREIGN KEY constraints that depend on it:
54. What is an Index Organized Table?
An index-organized table (IOT) is a type of
table that stores data in a B*Tree index structure. Normal relational
tables, called heap-organized tables, store rows in any order
(unsorted). In contrast to this, index-organized tables store rows in a
B-tree index structure that is logically sorted in primary key
order. Unlike normal primary key indexes, which store only the columns
included in it definition, IOT indexes store all the columns of the table (an
exception to this rule - is being called the overflow area).
Properties and restrictions:
- An IOT must contain a primary key
- Rows are accessed via a logical rowid and not a physical rowid like in heap-organized tables
- An IOT cannot be in a cluster
- An IOT cannot contain a column of LONG data type
- You cannot modify an IOT index property using ALTER INDEX (error ORA-25176), you must use an ALTER TABLE instead.
Advantages of an IOT
- As an IOT has the structure of an index and stores all the columns of the row, accesses via primary key conditions are faster as they don't need to access the table to get additional column values.
- As an IOT has the structure of an index and is thus sorted in the order of the primary key, accesses of a range of primary key values are also faster.
- As the index and the table are in the same segment, less storage space is needed.
- In addition, as rows are stored in the primary key order, you can further reduce space with key compression.
- As all indexes on an IOT uses logical rowids, they will not become unusable if the table is reorganized.
Row overflow area
If some columns of the table are
infrequently accessed, it is possible to offload them into another segment
named the overflow area. An overflow segment will decrease the size of the main
(or top) segment and will increase the performance of statements that do not
need access the columns in the overflow area.
The overflow area can contains only columns
that are not part of the primary key.
If a row cannot fit in a block, you must
define an overflow area.
Consequently, the primary key values of an
IOT must fit in a single block.
The columns of the table that are recorded
in the overflow segment are defined using the PCTHRESHOLD and/or INCLUDING
options of the OVERFLOW clause (examples on source website).
55. What is a Global Index and Local Index?
Local Index - each partition of
a local index is associated with exactly one partition of the table.
Global Index - global index is
associated with multiple partitions of the table.
Oracle offers two types of global partitioned index:
- Global Range Partitioned Indexes
- Global Hash Partitioned Indexes
Global Nonpartitioned Indexes - behave just like a nonpartitioned index.
56. What is the difference between Range Partitioning and Hash Partitioning?
Range Partitioning maps data to partitions based on a range of column values (e.g. a date column)
Hash Partitioning maps data to partitions
based on a hashing algorithm, evenly distributing data between the partitions.
This is typically used where ranges aren't
appropriate, i.e. customer number, product ID
57. What is difference between Multithreaded/Shared Server and Dedicated Server?
Oracle Database creates server processes to handle the requests of user processes connected to an instance.
A server process can be either of the following:
- A dedicated server process, which services
only one user process
- A shared server process, which can service
multiple user processes
Your database is always enabled to allow dedicated server processes, but you must specifically configure and enable shared server by setting one or more initialization parameters.
58. Can you import objects from Oracle ver. 7.3 to 9i?
Different versions of the import utility are upwards compatible. This means that one can take an export file created from an old export version, and import it using a later version of the import utility.
Oracle also ships some previous catexpX.sql scripts that can be executed as user SYS enabling older imp/exp versions to work (for backwards compatibility).
For example, one can run $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catexp7.sql on an Oracle 8 database to allow the Oracle 7.3 exp/imp utilities to run against an Oracle 8 database.
59. How do you move tables from one tablespace to another tablespace?
There are several methods to do this;
1) export the table, drop the table, create
the table definition in the new
tablespace, and then import the data (imp
2) Create a new table in the new tablespace with the CREATE TABLE statement AS SELECT all from source table
new_tablespace AS SELECT * FROM source_table;
Then drop the original table and rename the temporary table as the original:
DROP TABLE real_table;
RENAME temp_name TO real_table;
Note: don't forget to rebuild any indexes.
60. How to display how much space is used and free in a tablespace?
Example query to check free and used space per tablespace:
/* + RULE */
"Tablespace", df.bytes / (1024 * 1024) "Size (MB)",
(1024 * 1024) "Free (MB)", NVL(
* 100 /
df.bytes),1) "% Free",
SUM(fs.bytes)) * 100 / df.bytes)
"% Used"
FROM dba_free_space fs,
tablespace_name,SUM(bytes) bytes
FROM dba_data_files
GROUP BY tablespace_name
WHERE fs.tablespace_name (+) =
GROUP BY df.tablespace_name,df.bytes
/* + RULE */
df.tablespace_name tspace, fs.bytes /
(1024 * 1024),
/ (1024 * 1024),
- df.bytes_used) * 100 / fs.bytes), 1),
- df.bytes_free) * 100 / fs.bytes)
FROM dba_temp_files fs,
FROM v$temp_space_header
WHERE fs.tablespace_name (+) =
GROUP BY df.tablespace_name,fs.bytes,
Sample output:
Tablespace Size (MB) Free (MB) % Free % Used
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
UNDOTBS1 65 17.8125 27 73
EXAMPLE 100 22.625 23 77
USERS 5 1.0625 21 79
TEMP 20 2 10 90
SYSAUX 625.125 54.5 9 91
SYSTEM 700 9.0625 1 99
That's all Folks!
Good luck on interviews!
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